Metro Kids provide children a safe and relaxed environment in which they can choose from a variety of activities before and after school. Metro Kids staff plans activities, games, physical activities, nutritional awareness and crafts designed to involve and challenge children in fun and enriching ways.
Full Day Services
Full day school-age care services are planned at regional centers for Conference Days, In-service Days, Winter Break, Spring Break, and Summer Vacation. Flyers are distributed to parents through the caregivers approximately three weeks prior to the non-school day(s). If you do not receive a copy, ask the caregivers for one or call the Metro Kids office (515-242-7951). Parents need to sign up for a full-day service immediately after receiving a flyer so staff arrangements may be made.
No Drop-In Policy
Metro Kids was not designed to be a drop-in school-age service. We understand that hospitalization, lay-off, and other emergency situations do occur. If you must withdraw your child for two continuous weeks or more, you need to notify the Metro Kids Office immediately at 242-7951 or your weekly fees will continue, and you will be expected to pay them. Children dropped from Metro Kids are re-enrolled on a space available, first-come, first-serve basis. The annual registration fee is paid only once per child each school year.
Friends and siblings of children in Metro Kids are not to be admitted to the program on a drop-in basis. This includes, but is not limited to, visiting relatives or friends who have stayed overnight, etc.
- Before School: 6:30 to 8:30 AM
- After School: 3:15 to 5:45 PM
The Metro Kids schedule operates on an all-year calendar except for legal holidays.
Breakfast and Snacks
- Morning: The Breakfast Program at your school is available to Metro Kids participants. Children may purchase breakfast tickets through the Department of Food and Nutrition Management.
- Afternoon: Nutritious snacks from the Department of Food & Nutrition Management Service will be provided after school at no additional charge.
Weather Policy
There are occasions during the school year when classes are impacted due to severe or extreme weather. If so, Metro Kids programs are adjusted as follows:
- No School: there will be no Metro Kids services
- Early Dismissal: there will be no Metro Kids after-school services
- Late Start: Metro Kids before-school services will begin at 6:30 AM