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Welcome to the New Online Home of Des Moines Public Schools
Welcome to the new online home of Des Moines Public Schools. The district’s new web site incorporates a much-improved design...
Click here to read and see more
‘No Shot, No School’ Could Be Reality for Some Students
Incoming 7th and 12th grade students without a meningitis vaccine or a state waiver won’t be able to start school...
Click here to read and see more
Online Registration at DMPS Begins Monday, July 17
On Monday, July 17 online registration will open for families currently in the district for the 2017-18 school year.
Click here to begin the registration process
On August 26, Join the Annual Graduation Walk
On Saturday, August 26 volunteer for our annual Graduation Walk and help students stay on the path to earn their diplomas.
Click here to read and see moreWelcome to DMPS
لأكثر من 100 عام، بقيت مدارس دى موين ألعامة تقدم خدمة تعليمية مميزة للطلاب فى مجتمعنا. و أليوم، مقاطعة مدارس دى موين تعتبررائدة ومبتكرة فى مجال ألتعليم ألعام لأنها توفر للأسر أفضل ألخيارات ألتعليمية فى ولاية آيوا. نسعى جاهدين لنصبح نموذجاً للدولة فى مجال ألتعليم ألمدنى.
ဒီေမာရ စ္ လူထိုစာသင္ေက ာင္း သည္ လူ ့အသ ိုင္းအဝန္းမွ ေက ာင္းသူေက ာင္းသားမ ားက ို သာလြန္ေကာင္းမြန္သည့္ပညာမ ား သင္ၾကားေပးခ ့သည္မွာ ႏွစ္ေပါင္း ၁၀၀ ေက ာ္ပင္ ႐ွိ ွ ခ ့ပါၿပီ။ ယေန ့အခ န္တြင္ ကၽြႏ္ိုပ္တ ို ့၏ေက ာင္းခ႐ွိ ိုင္သည္ လူထိုပညာေရးစနစ္တြင္ ဆန္းသစ္တီထြင္၍ ဦးေဆာင္ဦး႐ွိ ြက္ျပိဳကာ အ ိုက္အ ိုဝါတြင္ အေကာင္းဆံိုးပညာေရး ေ႐ွိ ြးခ ယ္စရာအခ ိဳ ့တ ို ့က ို မ သားစိုမ ားအား ကမ္းလွမ္းလ က္႐ွိ ွ ၿပီး ၿမ ိဳ ့ျပပညာေရးစနစ္တြင္ ႏ ိုင္ငံေတာ္၏စံျပျဖစ္လာဖ ို ့ ႀက ိဳးစားလ က္႐ွိ ွ ပါသည္။
For more than 100 years, the Des Moines Independent Community School District has been providing an outstanding education to the students of our community. Today, our school district is a leader and innovator in public education, offering families some of the best educational choices in Iowa as we strive to become the nation's model for urban education.
100 वर्ष भन्दा बढी सम्म हाम्रो समुदायका विद्यार्थीलाई डी मोइन पब्लिक स्कुलले उल्लेखनीय शिक्षा प्रदान गर्दै आएको छ। आज, आयोवामा यहांका परिवारलाई सबै भन्दा राम्रो शैक्षिक विकल्प दिँदै, हाम्रो स्कूल डिस्ट्रिक सार्वजनिक शिक्षा क्षेत्रमा एक नेता र प्रर्वतक भएको छ र हामी शहरी शिक्षाका लागि राष्ट्रको मोडेल बन्न प्रयासरत छौ।
Kwa zaidi ya miaka 100, Des Moines Shule ya Umma imetoa elimu bora kwa wanafunzi katika jamii yetu. Leo, wilaya ya shule sisi ni kiongozi na mzushi katika jamii elimu, kutoa familia uchaguzi wa elimu bora katika Iowa na sisi kujitahidi kuwa mfano wa vituo vya elimu ya soko ya taifa.
Por más de 100 años, las Escuelas Públicas de Des Moines han estado proporcionando una educación excepcional a los estudiantes de nuestra comunidad. Hoy en día, nuestro distrito escolar es un líder e innovador en la educación pública, ofreciendo a nuestras familias algunas de las mejores opciones educativas en Iowa y nos esforzamos por convertirnos en el modelo de la nación para la educación urbana.
Trong hơn 100 năm qua, các trường Công Lập Cơ Sở ở Des Moines đã cung cấp một nền giáo dục xuất sắc cho các học sinh trong cộng đồng của chúng ta. Ngày nay, khu học chánh của chúng ta là một nơi đứng đầu và sáng tạo trong nền giáo dục cộng lập, cung cấp các gia đình một số lựa chọn chương trình giáo dục tốt nhất ở Iowa và cố gắng trở thành mô hình giáo dục đô thị trong toàn quốc.

Turnaround Arts
Turnaround Arts
Class of 2016
Class of 2016
High Schools
on the
Iowa AP Index
High Schools
on the
Iowa AP Index
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