Five Year Plan/Ten Year Vision
Setting Community Priorities for Students First

The Facilities Advisory Committee represents the community in setting priorities for Students First projects.
The Superintendent’s Facilities Advisory Committee provides recommendations to Des Moines Public Schools on priorities for how the district makes the best use of the state-wide sales tax for school infrastructure projects, along with other facility-related issues.
Areas identified by the committee as top priorities for school renovations include:
- Safety and security
- Replacement of obsolete, inefficient, or worn-out equipment or systems
- Money saving strategies
- Improvements to buildings which have not received major improvements
- Technology infrastructure upgrades
- Improvements to enhance research-based student achievement
- Ability to adjust to educational program changes
NOTE: Click here to download a copy with details of the current five year plan for 2015-20.
See the recommendations and vision of the committee by clicking on the menu items to the right.