21st Century Community Learning Centers

Support for Successful, Independent Learners.

Des Moines Public Schools has been home to 21st Century Community Learning Centers program (21st CCLC) since 2007. The initiative provides academic programming, recreational enrichment, and family literacy to students and families at the following schools:

  • Capitol View Elementary
  • Garton Elementary
  • Hillis Elementary
  • King Elementary
  • Monroe Elementary
  • Morris Elementary
  • River Woods Elementary
  • Samuelson Elementary
  • Stowe Elementary
  • Willard Elementary

More than 8,400 students have participated in the program since its inception.

In April of 2014, Des Moines Public Schools was awarded a 21st Century Community Learning Centers grant to provide summer programming to eight middle schools including;

  • Callanan
  • Goodrell
  • Harding
  • Hiatt
  • Hoyt
  • Meredith
  • McCombs
  • Weeks

This grant, along with generous contributions from United Way of Central Iowa, will serve over 1,000 students each summer in arts, culture, STEM, intramural sports and service learning programs.

The 21st CCLC program provides academic assistance to help students become successful, independent learners. Students in 21st CCLC programs receive tailored, individualized support through coordination and communication between their daytime teachers and their after-school teachers. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) activities are also offered, necessary for students to gain 21st century workforce skills. Other activities include a variety of topics, such as: cooking around the world, financial education, jewelry making, movie making, gardening, physical fitness activities (disc golf, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, dancing, etc.), and personal development (building healthy self-esteem and positive relationships.)

The 21st CCLC program at DMPS has become a leader among grantees in the state of Iowa because of its strong design, outstanding partnerships with the community, effective implementation of the program that includes a continuous feedback loop, and the overall positive impact on student achievement levels. DMPS was invited to present at the National 21st Century Community Learning Centers annual conference in 2011 to share the successes of the program.  In addition, the 21CCLC at DMPS received second place in the Outstanding Partnership Awards presented by the Iowa Network for Community and School Partnerships in November 2011. Because of the success of the 21st CCLC program, several community partners have approached DMPS to partner together for the program.

21st CCLC bridges the gap between school, family, and community, forging connections and providing a comprehensive support system to help youth succeed academically and socially.

For more information about our partners and other resources relating to 21st CCLC, please click on the link in the menu to the right.