CSI Central Campus: Murder on a Lear Jet – DMPS-TV News

It wasn’t just any other Monday for the Criminal Justice program at Central Campus. February 8th marks the second Criminal Justice field exercise at Central Campus. The collaborative effort utilizing Criminal Justice, Biotechnology, Broadcasting/film students and conducted at the Aviation Complex 205 County Line Road, Des Moines Iowa.

Sixteen Criminal Justice students began processing a multiple crime and multiple victim crime scene at 0930. The students were be assisted by sworn and technical personnel from various criminal justice entities in the identification, documentation, preservation,collection and processing of evidence in the exact same manner in which a real crime scene would be processed.

At approximately 1200 hours 25 Biotechnology students will arrive and participate in the exercise. Throughout the remainder of the semester students will work together in an attempt to solve the mock crimes. When the Criminal Justice students have finished processing evidence they will present the processed evidence to the biotechnology students for analysis.

The entire scenario was documented by film/broadcasting students for classroom use and discussion.

While many academic programs study criminal investigations and forensic science, few programs combine an entire program identifying, collecting, and analyzing evidence in a combined collaborative exercise. Throughout the school years students earn college credit as well as high school credit.


Read the full report here: For The Record.

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