Medications/Drug Policy
Children with chronic health conditions benefit by effective management of their health needs at school. The administration of medication during the school day may be necessary. The school nurse will work with the parent and the child’s physician to determine the best plan for medications to be given so they provide the greatest benefit to the child. Only persons who have successfully completed an approved medication administration course under the direction of the school nurse will be permitted to assist in providing medications at school.
Parental permission to provide the medication at school will be obtained in writing each school year. Arrangements will be made with the parent regarding how the medication will be delivered to school.
Medications must be sent to school in the original pharmacy container properly labeled with the child’s name, the name and dose and route of the medication and the time it is to be administered.
Special Medication Guidelines
Self Administration of Emergency airway medications– Iowa law does permit a child to carry and self administer emergency airway medications. Each year the parent and physician must sign the attached release allowing the student to carry and self administer these medications.
Request for Giving Medication
Medication Consent Form
Over the Counter Medication guidelines
With few exceptions, a doctors order is required to administer a medication at school. The two exceptions are:
- Lip balm and cough drops can be used by the student as needed.
- Middle and high school students may receive up to a total of five age appropriate doses of Acetominophen or Ibuprofen in a given school year with written parent permission only in the treatment of predetermined medical conditions.
For more information about the districts middle and high school over the counter medication guidelines, contact your school nurse or the Health Services Department.