Options for Students and Families in Des Moines

Des Moines Public Schools believes diversity enriches the educational climate of our schools.  Young people are better prepared for the future when they attend school in an educational setting reflective of society’s diversity.

Identifying similarities and understanding differences in individuals, cultures and backgrounds is not only healthy for individual students, but also for the entire community. All aspects of education (history, literature, language, etc.) are enhanced by the different viewpoints and perspectives introduced by racial, ethnic and socio-economic diversity.

The Within-District Transfer Program is offered by DMPS so that parents can capitalize on the district’s diversity by applying to attend a school outside of their address-assigned area. For more than twenty years, thousands of Des Moines students have taken advantage of this option.

Please refer to the menu items at right for additional information about within-district transfer procedures, including limitations and stipulations.

Parents interested in participating in within-district transfers should call the Open Enrollment office at 515-242-7353, or email dana.jarvis@dmschools.org, for additional information.