Series 300 – Administration



Series 300:  Administration – Executive Function
Series 300:  Administration–Executive Function
Code Title
301 Appointment of the Superintendent
302 Superintendent of Schools
303 Responsibilities of the Superintendent
305 Central Administration
306 Election of Administrative Staff
307 Qualifications of Administrative Staff
330 School-Based Management Through Shared Decision-Making
337 District Advisory Councils
338 Request for Waiver of Specific Policy or Procedure
Code Title
301 Central Administration–Function
303 Qualifications–Superintendent
305 Responsibilities–Superintendent
306 Responsibilities of Administrative Staff
330 District Management
331 School-Based Councils
338 Request for Waiver of Specific Policy or Procedure



Series 300
Code 301
Title:  Appointment of the Superintendent

The Board of Directors shall appoint the Superintendent of Schools for a term of not more than three years.

The board of directors will on a regular basis meet for the Superintendent’s evaluation.  The Board of Directors will formally evaluate the superintendent in February, or as soon thereafter as possible of each year, using a pre-determined evaluation process and job description. Written communication regarding the superintendent’s performance shall identify strengths and areas needing improvement, suggest optional approaches for personal or professional growth, and provide a reasonable length of time to achieve the desired results.  If the identified deficiencies are not improved to the satisfaction of the board within the given period of time, the superintendent’s contract may be terminated in the manner prescribed by the law.

Administrative Procedures: Code 301
Revised: June 15, 1993; March 28, 1998; July 13, 1999; January 17, 2001; August 14, 2002
Board approved: September 17, 2002
Last review: 2012-2013
Legal reference: Iowa Code § § 279.20, 279.23, 279.23A, 279.24, 279.25 (2011)
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Series 300
Code 302
Title:  Superintendent of Schools

The Superintendent of Schools shall be the chief executive officer of the Des Moines Independent Community School District, shall be charged with the responsibility of carrying out policies and procedures adopted by its Board of Directors, and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors or by law.

Revised June 15, 1993
Last review: 2012-2013
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Series 300
Code 303
Title:  Responsibilities of the Superintendent

The Superintendent of Schools, as the chief executive officer, shall be responsible to the Board of Directors for:

a.    the execution of its policies;

b.    the management of the work of the departments, the duties of which, apart from those required by law, the superintendent shall assign;

c.    the observance of its policies by all those persons employed by the district;

d.    the enforcement of all provisions of the law relating to the operation of the schools or other educational, social and recreational agencies or activities under the charge of the board.

Administrative Procedures: Code 303
Revised: July 13, 1999
Last review: 2012-2013
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Series 300
Code 305
Title:  Central Administration

The central administration of the Des Moines Independent Community School District is the administrative staff responsible for the school district as a whole or for one or more of its major service divisions.

Administrative Procedures: Code 305
Last review: 2012-2013
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Series 300
Code 306
Title:  Election of Administrative Staff

Administrative staff, other than the superintendent, may be appointed by the Board of Directors for a one-year contract period upon recommendation of the superintendent.

Legal references: Iowa Code § 279.23
Administrative Procedures: Code 306
Last review: 2012-2013
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Series 300
Code 307
Title:  Qualifications of Administrative Staff

All appointees to administrative positions requiring certification by the Code of Iowa shall have met the requirements for certification.  Qualifications for appointment shall be established by the superintendent for all administrative positions and recommendations for appointment shall be made by the superintendent in accordance with policies of the board

Revised June 15, 1993; July 13, 1999
Last review: 2012-2013

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Series 300
Code 330
Title:  School-Based Management Through Shared Decision-Making

The Des Moines Independent Community School District consists of people and programs bonded together by a common mission. *The Board of Directors expects that in every building, there will be opportunities and instruction that lead to high achievement for all students.  Parents, community and students can expect this same, high level opportunity in each school in the district.

The district believes that improved and high achievement for each student is best attained within an environment that provides

  • Strong district wide curriculum/instructional frameworks
  • Site-based decisions (latitude) regarding variations in delivery systems and non-curricular matters.

Site based decisions are best made through the collaborative thinking of staff, parents, community members and, where appropriate students.  The facilitator should be the principal, who is ultimately accountable for the opportunities and achievement of students in the building.

The district will work collaboratively at all levels and across the organization, to create the best teaching and learning environment for each student.

*District Mission Statement: The Des Moines Public Schools exist so that graduates possess the knowledge, skills and abilities for success at the next stage of their lives.

Administrative Procedures: Code 330, 331
Revised August 6, 1991; June 15, 1993; July 13, 1999; August 14, 2002
Board Approved: September 17, 2002
Last review: 2012-2013

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Series 300
Code 337
Title:  District Advisory Councils

The superintendent may appoint ad hoc district advisory councils or task forces to assist with the district management process and focus.  Members should be representative of the diversity in our community and be sensitive to the many needs and interests of our students and the community we serve.

Adopted September 4, 1990
Last review: 2012-2013
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Series 300
Code 338
Title:  Request for Waiver of Specific Policy or Procedure

Principals, PTO/PTA or School-based councils (SBC) may identify practices which they believe will allow the mission of the district and the school to be achieved more effectively, equitably and efficiently.  After collaborative consideration within the building, requests for waivers to implement such practices shall be made to the Directors of Elementary or Middle and High School Programs.  There may be a secondary process as outlined in district procedures.  Such exemptions from a specific policy, procedure or from the curricular/instructional framework shall be communicated to the board through an information report.

Administrative Procedures: Code 338
Adopted: September 15, 1992; August 14, 2002
Board Approved: September 17, 2002
Last review: 2012-2013

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Series 300
Code 301
Title:  Central Administration–Function

The function of the central administration shall be to plan for and to coordinate, supervise, assist, and direct the whole system as a unified enterprise in accordance with the purposes, policies, plans, procedures, and programs authorized by the Board of Directors.

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Series 300
Code 303
Title:  Qualifications–Superintendent

To be eligible for appointment to the office of Superintendent of Schools, a candidate shall have the necessary certificate as required by law; shall possess qualities of professional and civic leadership; shall be of good character, and moral repute; shall have specialized training in the educational and business administration of public schools, with a degree from an accredited institution of higher learning; and shall have demonstrated, by suitable experience, the capability of leading a staff and community in a continuous program of school improvement.

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Series 300
Code 305
Title:  Responsibilities–Superintendent

1.    The superintendent shall attend meetings of the board, shall meet with committees and shall have the privilege of taking part in all deliberations except when requested, either by the president or by the board, not to attend.

2.    The superintendent shall prepare and submit to the Board of Directors for approval rules and regulations, proposed policy changes, programs and facilities proposals requiring action by the board which are needed for the proper conduct and control of the functions of the board and the management of the schools.

3.    The superintendent shall be responsible for placing before the board necessary and helpful facts, comparisons, investigations, information and reports; and for making available at the proper time, advice on special or technical matters, aside from legal questions, of those persons who are particularly qualified to furnish it.

4.    The superintendent shall be responsible for keeping or having kept, and for presenting to the Board of Directors in a form that will facilitate and make efficient their deliberations and proceedings, records of problems, conditions, and duties requiring action by them.

5.    The superintendent shall recommend employment and salaries of all staff personnel and others as required by law and prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Architects, attorneys, and auditors employed by the school district shall be directed and supervised by the superintendent in the same manner as provided all district administrative staff.

6.    The superintendent shall assign, transfer or suspend school district employees when it is deemed to be in the best interests of all concerned. Board approval will be requested when it is required by law, contract, or prescribed by the Board of Directors. (Code 279.27)

7.    The superintendent shall recommend, as the need arises, board approval for the addition or reduction of staff.

8.    The superintendent shall supervise the establishment or modification of the boundaries of school sub-districts and shall recommend to the Board of Directors, for final approval, the necessary rules and regulations of attendance in connection therewith.

9.    The superintendent shall recommend to the Board of Directors for its approval new courses of study, the elimination of obsolete courses of study and the adoption of textbooks.

10.   The superintendent shall be responsible for preparing and submitting to the Board of Directors, not later than the first regular meeting in March, a tentative detailed budget for the ensuing fiscal year and a formalized budget for the same year as soon as practicable thereafter.

11.    The superintendent shall have power to approve and direct, in accordance with law and the rules of the Board of Directors, purchases and expenditures within the limits of the detailed budget approved by the board.

12.    The superintendent shall have the power to decide all matters of administrative detail concerning which no specific provision has been made in the law or the board’s rules and regulations, reporting at the next regular meeting those decisions which should be authorized by appropriate bylaws or regulations enacted or established by the board.

13.    The superintendent shall as frequently as practicable and upon the request of the Board of Directors transmit written or verbal reports on the general condition of the schools, the work of the several departments, measures of progress and the results of the administration of the board’s policies.

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Series 300
Code 306
Title:  Responsibilities of Administrative Staff

Staff responsibilities shall be in accordance with the administrative organization chart and the job description for the position.

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Series 300
Code 330
Title:  District Management

The district’s management function involves the cooperative effort of the administration, Board of Directors, and other stakeholders to:

a.    Improve the quality and effectiveness of educational programs

b.    Acknowledge the diverse student population served

c.    Efficiently operate the school system

d.    Provide a framework for improved participation in the decision-making process.

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Series 300
Code 331
Title:  School-Based Councils

The membership of school-based councils (SBCs) shall include an equitable representation of parents, teachers, business community and students (at the high school level only).

See Board Policy Code 330: School-Based Management Through Shared Decision-Making

Approved September 15, 1992
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Series 300
Code 338
Title:  Request for Waiver of Specific Policy or Procedure

The consideration of waivers is coordinated by the School-Based Management Through Shared Decision Making (SBM/SDM) Coordinating Council. The council consists of stakeholders including parents, teachers, principals and central office administrators.

Inquiries may be forwarded to either the Executive Director of Early Childhood and Elementary Programs, the Executive Director of Middle and High School programs or the Phase III/School Improvement Specialist.

I.    Purpose: The purpose of a waiver is to increase student learning and success. A waiver provides School-Based Councils and school staff members with a procedure for implementing innovations that may require exemptions from current policies and rules. (This process does not address waivers to the comprehensive agreement.)

II.    Duration: Waivers may be for one year and may be renewed, upon review of the results of the waiver evaluation.

III.    Procedures:

A.    Waiver requests are submitted and signed by the co-chairs (one of whom is the principal) of the School-Based Council (SBC).

1.    Consensus will have been reached on the waiver request by the stakeholders.
2.    The SBC will ensure that an effective dialogue with involved administrators and/or program directors has taken place.
3.    Involved staff members will have been actively involved and other staff made aware of the request.

B.    All waiver requests must:

1.    identify the research, theory, or best practices on which the waiver request is based;
2.    address issues identified in the school improvement plan;
3.    include a brief description of the process used to involve appropriate stakeholders (i.e., parents, staff, etc.)
4.    include an appropriate evaluation design; and
5.    be complete.

C.    Waiver requests and renewals are submitted to the Executive Director of Early Childhood and Elementary Programs or the Executive Director of Middle and High School Programs. Good decisions require careful consideration. Please give the Executive Directors and the SBM/SDM Coordinating Council adequate time to process your request.

D.    The Executive Director may determine that the action can be taken without the need of a waiver.

E.    After reviewing the request, the SBM/SDM Coordinating Council may:
a.    recommend approval as submitted;
b.    recommend approval with modification or stipulations;
c.    request further discussion, dialogue and additional information; or
d.    deny support for the waiver request and provide reasons for the denial.

F.    Waiver recommendations will be submitted to the Superintendent for action. Requests for waivers from current board policy, state or federal statute, or regulation that are recommended by the Superintendent will be sent to the Board of Directors for action. Schools will receive a copy of the SBM/SDM Coordinating Council’s recommendation to the Superintendent and will be informed in writing of action taken by the Superintendent.

G.    Waiver recommendations may be appealed to the Superintendent. The Superintendent’s decision may be appealed to the Board of Directors.

H.    Decisions by the SBM/SDM Coordinating Council will be made by consensus.

I.    Waiver renewals must follow the procedures listed above. A Waiver Evaluation and Progress Report based on evaluation design should be reported in the Progress Report section of the School Improvement Plan and attached to the new School Request Form for a Waiver.

J.    Waiver procedures will be reviewed as needed.

Approved September 15, 1992; revised January 19, 1999
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